Visitors since Mar 29.01
Visitors since Aug.00

Featured Picture of the Month
~Mar. 16 2001~

(Picture courtesy of Frank)

Welcome to Rena's Corner of the Universe!! Enjoy your Stay...

Hi everyone!  Wow, it has been a while!  Sorry to keep all of you waiting for so long for my updates! ^^  Well, they're here!  I've been busy w/stuff for these past months, doing lots of things and taking lots of pictures too.  As you can see I've changed the format/layout/appearance of a few things.  The Featured Pic of the Month has also changed. (Can you guess how much these people drank? =Þ)  Once last month's picture has been replaced, it will now be placed in the "Featured Pictures page", or just click on the picture above.  OKie, there's been lots of additions, so, do browse around.  If this is your first time here, have fun, if you've been here before, enjoy the updates!  and don't forget to SIGN MY GBOOK!!! ^-^

    Newly Created Pages:
    Featured Pictures
    Welcome Page

    Updated Pages:
    Friends -- My Girls
    Friends -- Bella/Tina
    Friends -- Sharon/Helen
    Friends -- Very Special People/Group pix
    Friends -- Friend's Homepages
    My Info -- Pix

Sign my Guestbook Pls!
(Btw,when you sign my gbook, pls tell me who you are! Leave your email address if I don't already have it, thx!)

What's New? All about ME! My fam
  Friends Snowy My Ride
Raver? Music KDPhi

   Sign My Guest booK!!!
   View GuEst book

Write me: anee@excite.com
Icq Me: 78479702
IM Me: ElleAtStarB5

Updated Mar.28.01
      Created Oct.5.1999