Through time we float as whisps of clouds, diverging, converging, never ending, towards a light in the sky...

Straight Ahead four paces.
Penned November 16, 1999

With January first fast approaching, where will you be that fateful night? Under the stars? Under the pub lights? Under the fireworks? Under influence? In a crowd? In a pair? In a family? or...will you stand on your back porch alone, staring into the abyss of a towering pine tree?

Keep searching for your present, future, past, and eternity; and maybe you too will find them one day while gettting lost in the unending divisions of a fern leaf.

Dedicated to Sal...

Turn Left two paces.
Selected November 20, 1999

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Back One Pace
Penned November 30, 1999

How can we cherish the good times when we can't feel the bad? Life is full of hardships and adversities, but those only help us on our way to becoming who we truly should be.  Is it not right that through experiences we grow and mature? The debate now is whether or not fate is n our own hands or is our destiny at the whims of God?

Dedicated to John Steinbeck...

Forward Seven Paces
Penned December 29, 1999

I'm sorry how things turned out, but do you realize that it's for the best?    Thanks for the memories.  But, please don't let that faint wisp of fire go out.

No dedication...

Turn Right Three Paces

Penned January 18, 2000

Why doesn't the sun rise when the day begins?  Why is it that we must wait five hours before that golden light plants its' kisses on God's creations?  These are all arbitrary questions when you consider:
"Lord.  Please help me to -- Accept the things I cannot change.  Change the things that I can.   And the wisdom to know the difference.  One Day at a Time."

Dedicated to Helen....

Forward Eight Paces

Penned February 3, 2000

On this often obscure path of life, many things happen for a reason.  Be it for better or worse we will be forever changed by these occruances.  Thinking positively, I do hope that all of which has and will happen to me are for the better.  With just a quater of my life lived out, I have seen much and heard much, but I guess they are a fraction of what's to come.  But, whatever is to come, I hope it will bring just as much joy to my life as what has happened.

Dedicated to ...

Backward Eight Paces

Penned February 6, 2000





No Dedication ...

Turn right three paces
Penned March 21, 2000
"Throughout the whole night she wanted to cry.  Yet, she didn't know if it was because she was so happy to see him or because she was so sad to have realized that she loved him.  On her face, she held her porcelaine smile, yet, tears rained upon her heart deep down.  She was completely
filled with regret.  But, she knew that one day, when her grandchildren asks her
'What does it mean to love someone?", she'd wear her porcelaine smile once again."

Dedicated to March 21, 2000.

Turn left 5 paces
Penned November 22, 2000
After travelling and broadening my horizons, I realize that life is not as simple as it had seemed.  Old issues come back and haunt us regardless.  If you can all see me now, you wouldn't be able to recognize me.  I have changed so much, sometimes I even look in the mirror and wonder who's staring back at me.  Coming here by myself has taught me many things about the real world and about real people.  I've just been too fortunate back home, meeting just the right people, barely ever getting hurt.  I knew you would always be there to cover my back, I knew that I could trust you regardless.  You girls have been so understanding of me and have been so great to me.  I still smile everytime I think of all of you.  If only I could go back to life like it was back then, I would.  I miss all of you so much.  You are truly my girls, my sisters, truly, for eternity.

Dedicated to all my girls.  

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